Available courses
Number of topics: 2
Price: Free; Duration: ~ 15 min.
This course short course provides NPL visitors with important health and safety information before arriving on site. Please note this course requires a password to enrol, as it is specifically for visitors who have a prearranged appointment on site at NPL.
Number of topics: 1
This short, free e-learning course has been developed by the UK Telecoms Lab (UKTL) to provide an introductory overview of telecommunications networks and telecoms cybersecurity.
Number of topics: 2
Duration: ~1.5 hours
This short e-learning course provides a brief introduction to XPS and how it can be used to investigate the surface chemistry of nanoparticles.
Number of topics: 5
Duration: ~1.5 hours
This online unit introduces microwave non-destructive testing (NDT) for the inspection and characterisation of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) composite materials and structures.