Available courses
Number of topics: 8
This e-learning course provides an overview of the work undertaken by the metrology community to develop a measurement infrastructure for assessing biomethane and biogas quality.
Number of topics: 6
Duration: ~1 day
This course provides an introduction to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), the industries where it may be encountered, measurement considerations, and how NORM industries are regulated.
Number of topics: 5
Duration: ~1 day
This course describes recent advances in the measurement of dose rate and radioactivity concentration in air. It is applicable to Europe-wide monitoring of data in the event of a radiological emergency.
Number of topics: 5
Duration: ~1.5 hours
This short course applies to wind energy systems (WES). It outlines measurement considerations for components within the drivetrain to support longevity and performance of onshore and offshore wind turbines.
Number of topics: 5
Duration: ~1 day
This course, which is suitable for both a general audience and experienced professionals, provides an overview of how uncertainty analysis can be applied to the calibration of instruments used in Earth observation applications.
Number of topics: 5
Duration: 1 day
This course explores how approaches from metrology can help Earth Observation practitioners to develop quantitative characterisation of uncertainty in Earth Observation data.
Number of topics: 4
Price: Free
Duration: 0.5 days
This course is to introduces photovoltaic (PV) module metrology for power and energy rating and provides good practice guidance for PV metrologists and laboratories.